Friday, May 22, 2009

NO no TWINS twins

If I had a real twin... it would stink. I am glad that i am the only one who looks like me. I would never like people messing up my name and having a sister that look just like me. Unless I have a brother, I would like that better, He would look different and have a boy Personality. So if I were to have a twin i would like a brother... I guess. No actually I just wont me and me alone.

The Nuggets, nugget

Yeah, the Nuggets... I dont really like them... so yeah.
This year is good for them, though they could have tried better all the other years.
No, I am not a fan. I know that they try and I give them credit for that! ☺☻

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pranksta Gangsta

One time when I was like 10 I had a sleepover with my friend and we decided to pull a prank on my sister, because she was grumpy and yelled at my friends and I. Our plan was to tape a blanket to the ceiling and when she came down the stairs we would pull the blanket down with a rope, The blanket would fall on her and she would get scared and start freaking out.
It was genius!!..... Yeah, right!
Anyways when my sister came down, she came running and I tried to stop her so my friend would have to pull the blanket down. When she pulled on the rope, the tape was holding the blanket up the well, so I had to stall my sister and when the blanket fell it missed her. She had no idea what we were doing and she got annoyed so she left.
Yeah, it was a blow!
That was probably the worst prank I ever pulled, and the last.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Incredible Hulk

Ok... umm.... Well,... first of all get inspired very little. Sounds pretty lame but I enjoy inspiring myself. I like making up my own way to do things, but there is a person out there that inspires me and that is......umm.... hold on.......Got it! Wait no just lost it......ummm............. iIcredible Hulk! Yes, Yes I know what you are thinking, "what the the world is see talking about!" or "The hulk?... but hes all chunky and green." It is true, the hulk, inspired me to one day turn into a bid, hunky, green MONSTER! I want to be like him because green is a good color and one day I will be the a hero that is also a monster. That is what and who inspires me!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


"School." That's a word that some people run away from, hoping to never to face it again. Their lips melt when they have to say the "s" word. Their bodies wrinkle from the one syllable word. Some people welcome it into there lives, greet it like it's family. They pluck it from a tree, put it in there pocket and take it home.
I'm in between, school has many things that are cool and not to pleasant. Sometimes learning is fun, I just have be interested. English has moments where its fun to read,but not fun to learn about root words. Math, well is always boring, I'm just good at it. Science is fun learn about, but not filling out note packets. History has never been my subject but I enjoy learning about it. Those are just what I feel about core classes. There also other classes i like taking, Art, P.E., Photoshop, blogging, Drama, and study hall.
That's what I like and dislike about school. So yep! ☺

Monday, May 4, 2009


When I was around 11, I went over to my friends Madi's house in the afternoon and it was going to be a sleepover. We went on a walk and there's like this small forest of trees and there was this really amazing, cool twisted tree. I was a great fort tree! So we gathered some wood and began making steps that lead up the the lowest branch. We made a platform and a wall around half of the platform because we ran out of stuff to support the branches. After like two hours we went home to get some food.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When we came back to our awesome fort, we noticed some boys hanging around OUR fort. What were they thinking?? Me and Madi charged and told them to leave, but of course they thought it would be funny if they stayed. They started to take down the branches and logs. I got mad and started chucking sticks at them. I was acting like freak. Thankfully that soon left.

That's probably how mad I can get.