Tuesday, May 12, 2009


"School." That's a word that some people run away from, hoping to never to face it again. Their lips melt when they have to say the "s" word. Their bodies wrinkle from the one syllable word. Some people welcome it into there lives, greet it like it's family. They pluck it from a tree, put it in there pocket and take it home.
I'm in between, school has many things that are cool and not to pleasant. Sometimes learning is fun, I just have be interested. English has moments where its fun to read,but not fun to learn about root words. Math, well is always boring, I'm just good at it. Science is fun learn about, but not filling out note packets. History has never been my subject but I enjoy learning about it. Those are just what I feel about core classes. There also other classes i like taking, Art, P.E., Photoshop, blogging, Drama, and study hall.
That's what I like and dislike about school. So yep! ☺


At May 12, 2009 at 2:21 PM , Blogger Blitz said...

blof in mesindo kon do opasho.Nadaso!MEME! OLE!


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