Tuesday, February 24, 2009

G.P.S. Lame, but we need em'

Kids think GPS's are brainless things that they don't need, until they get kidnapped or go missing. What are they going to do wait for the sky to rain cars so they can drive home, we all know that wont happen. If they had the GPS in there cell phone there mum and dad would be there to see there young child's flash.(That's why your parents put GPS's on your phone, because they love you) I think when you get older, like 17 you should be able to run free, because soon you'll be out of the house and then your away from your parents rules.


At February 26, 2009 at 1:35 PM , Blogger GIRGazDibZimLovers said...

I agree my main butter nut cracker on a log with BUTTER MY BUTT AND CALL ME A BISCUT! cause I am thinking the same thing SAMICH


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