Thursday, February 26, 2009

Harry Otter! ♥

UM. Yeah have read all the book and watch all the movies daily, I can't say why I like Harry Potter so much, maby because.... i don't know. I like magic and drama and adventure and wild looking amimals and all of that is put in the movies.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

G.P.S. Lame, but we need em'

Kids think GPS's are brainless things that they don't need, until they get kidnapped or go missing. What are they going to do wait for the sky to rain cars so they can drive home, we all know that wont happen. If they had the GPS in there cell phone there mum and dad would be there to see there young child's flash.(That's why your parents put GPS's on your phone, because they love you) I think when you get older, like 17 you should be able to run free, because soon you'll be out of the house and then your away from your parents rules.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Whatever. I could totaly live with out Valentine's Day. Some times I get the point to show how much you like a person, but you could do that any other day as well. Well were in middle school its probably suppose to be about how much you like a person as a friend, but like that happens. Well I guess it's cool in a couple ways.There's the chocolate and you get to be with your friends at Valentine's Day rec. dances.

Monday, February 9, 2009

26th and 44th president


This wonderful man is one of my favorite presidents because he was a nature man, loved reading and walking though his gardens. Every morning he would walk three miles in one direction. He was always committed to his work and getting things done. He and his wife Alice Lee Roosevelt had 6 kids and the oldest was a girl and a rebel. He lived his good long life, not making many mistakes as a president.

BARACK OBAMA 2009 to ...

Barack is also one of my favorites. People may not like him like I like him, but I am giving him a chance. He hasn't been president long so there not many things to judge about him. What I do know is that he wants what's best our country. While he runs the U.S. he also has a family and wife to take care of. Tall, thin. Big, small. Back, white. Good, bad. We have had them all!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Which Disney character are you most like?

Beauty and the Beast

Bell and I have many things in like

We both have brown hair. (medium length)

We like to read books, (even the same one over and over again)

We are both animal lovers and like to be kind to others

She and I both would fall in love with MONSTER! ( unless you know it was a cruel monster)

We would give up our things we want most for our fmily.

We both try to find the good in people.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My favorite things!

  • Eating FOOD
  • Reading books
  • Wearing socks
  • Going to sleep
  • Playing soccer
  • Ridding my bike
  • Watching movies
  • Petting cats
  • Planting flowers
  • Being with my friends