Friday, May 22, 2009

NO no TWINS twins

If I had a real twin... it would stink. I am glad that i am the only one who looks like me. I would never like people messing up my name and having a sister that look just like me. Unless I have a brother, I would like that better, He would look different and have a boy Personality. So if I were to have a twin i would like a brother... I guess. No actually I just wont me and me alone.

The Nuggets, nugget

Yeah, the Nuggets... I dont really like them... so yeah.
This year is good for them, though they could have tried better all the other years.
No, I am not a fan. I know that they try and I give them credit for that! ☺☻

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pranksta Gangsta

One time when I was like 10 I had a sleepover with my friend and we decided to pull a prank on my sister, because she was grumpy and yelled at my friends and I. Our plan was to tape a blanket to the ceiling and when she came down the stairs we would pull the blanket down with a rope, The blanket would fall on her and she would get scared and start freaking out.
It was genius!!..... Yeah, right!
Anyways when my sister came down, she came running and I tried to stop her so my friend would have to pull the blanket down. When she pulled on the rope, the tape was holding the blanket up the well, so I had to stall my sister and when the blanket fell it missed her. She had no idea what we were doing and she got annoyed so she left.
Yeah, it was a blow!
That was probably the worst prank I ever pulled, and the last.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Incredible Hulk

Ok... umm.... Well,... first of all get inspired very little. Sounds pretty lame but I enjoy inspiring myself. I like making up my own way to do things, but there is a person out there that inspires me and that is......umm.... hold on.......Got it! Wait no just lost it......ummm............. iIcredible Hulk! Yes, Yes I know what you are thinking, "what the the world is see talking about!" or "The hulk?... but hes all chunky and green." It is true, the hulk, inspired me to one day turn into a bid, hunky, green MONSTER! I want to be like him because green is a good color and one day I will be the a hero that is also a monster. That is what and who inspires me!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


"School." That's a word that some people run away from, hoping to never to face it again. Their lips melt when they have to say the "s" word. Their bodies wrinkle from the one syllable word. Some people welcome it into there lives, greet it like it's family. They pluck it from a tree, put it in there pocket and take it home.
I'm in between, school has many things that are cool and not to pleasant. Sometimes learning is fun, I just have be interested. English has moments where its fun to read,but not fun to learn about root words. Math, well is always boring, I'm just good at it. Science is fun learn about, but not filling out note packets. History has never been my subject but I enjoy learning about it. Those are just what I feel about core classes. There also other classes i like taking, Art, P.E., Photoshop, blogging, Drama, and study hall.
That's what I like and dislike about school. So yep! ☺

Monday, May 4, 2009


When I was around 11, I went over to my friends Madi's house in the afternoon and it was going to be a sleepover. We went on a walk and there's like this small forest of trees and there was this really amazing, cool twisted tree. I was a great fort tree! So we gathered some wood and began making steps that lead up the the lowest branch. We made a platform and a wall around half of the platform because we ran out of stuff to support the branches. After like two hours we went home to get some food.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When we came back to our awesome fort, we noticed some boys hanging around OUR fort. What were they thinking?? Me and Madi charged and told them to leave, but of course they thought it would be funny if they stayed. They started to take down the branches and logs. I got mad and started chucking sticks at them. I was acting like freak. Thankfully that soon left.

That's probably how mad I can get.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The non-noble Prince Part 1

Once upon a time in far away land there was a Prince, who desperately wanted to fulfill his life as a prince by doing something noble for his people and his father who does not believe he has what it takes to be a king. The prince had done many things wrong and always gave up if he could not finish what he started. One day while the prince was watch paint dry on the castle wall, his father and mother approached him.
"Father!" the prince squealed. "May I help thee?"
"yes me dear boy," The king said with a calm voice. "there is a lost maiden, Thee must find her and bring back thee. thou must not stop for no matter!"
The prince hesitated. " b-but father thee does not ever call upon thee."
"True, but you are to be... king... someday and I need thee to save thee maiden and prove thou self worthy."
"Father! I am great fully honored to help thee. I shall not fail!" The prince yelled and ran toward the stables, to fetch himself the finest polar bear. He knew he would find the fair young lady and bring her back to his father. Then he will show to his people that he will be a great ruler over the land. He trotted threw the stables, looking for the strongest and fastest polar bear his father owned. As much as he looked as much the prince could not find a polar bear.
"Where are thou polar bears?" The Prince asked the stable keepers man.
"Thee polar bears have gone on a mission to pick roses and eat wild grass" The stable keepers man said, scooping up the last of polar bear poe.
"Why, have thee gone?... Why, now?" The mopey prince said and bent his down looking at his boots.
"They will be back before next sun down." The stable keepers guy said with a smirk.
"NO! Not next sundown I need thee now!" The prince screamed and stopped way out of the stables. What could he do now? He thought and thought and thought, but nothing came to him. He new that if he did not leave soon his father will never think of him as a noble man, but he had no choice he had to confess. He slowly walked up to the castle- when out of now where a Whale comes and swallows him. The prince fell down his threw his mouth and landed in stomach acid. It tingled threw his bones and ate away his skin. He was losing life when he realized that this was not how he died.
"NO!" He screamed and pulled out his sword and slashed threw the acid. He made his way threw the intestines.When he was about to make his way out. There was a faint screaming coming from the discretion of the liver. He

Friday, April 24, 2009

Ring Ring... delete

Many people Drive while talking on their cell phone. Well, I believe you shouldn't talk the phone while diving , because you can get to distracted and crash and then you or someone else could DIE. We don't want that to happen now do we? So that's why I think we couldn't talk to someone while diving, I mean if you really need to just pull over for five minuets and talk or just call the person back later when your off the road.
.... so yeah.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Green day isn't just a day, it's a day where you go green, do something nice for the world. Even the little things count to the world. My family and I don't do much, but we do plant a few flowers in in the back and front yard and take care of the weeds and water trees, but daily we try to take short shower watch lees t.v. and use the car only if we have too. If you do this to save our world some more energy and water, then this world will stay beautiful!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Staffs and Wands

Over the weekend I did chores and homework and hung around the house. Then on Sunday evening... that when all the action began!!! I called my friend and asked her if she wanted to hang out and do some random stuff (we did.) We rode our bikes down to a big park. We crossed the river an explored the jungles.. of ... Willow Weed... muhhhhahhaha.
Anyways we climbed the tree and tried not to fall into the water. (some the tree branches go out to the middle of the river... and its pretty deep) We gathered sticks because we got a weird idea to carve things out of the sticks. We ended up wanting to make wands. ( yeah.. yeah lame to you but seemed like a good idea at the time) We ran around and piling different sizes, shapes and colors of sticks and odd looking logs. We collected sticks that we thought would be good sizes of wands. Some crooked and some perfectly straight. Some of them even look realy abnormal. When I was looking I found a realy cool rock and I had to use for it other than looking at it, so I thought bout looking for a big stick with a hole in it so I could put the rock in it. Then it would a pretty good looking walking stick of weird staff. Ha. That was my Sunday!

Friday, April 10, 2009


If I had $5,000 I would get lots of stuff:

I would buy\spend:

  1. piano - $ 500
  2. Ronin's saving's -$200
  3. Gabe's saving's - $200
  4. Ashtons saving's -$200
  5. Mom and step dad - $800
  6. Step mom and dad- $800
  7. Buy all my favorite movies - $100
  8. Buy Harry Potter stuff - $300
  9. Buy a pet owl -$100
  10. Give money to Lauren - $300
  11. Give money to Kayla - $200
  12. Give money to Taylor- $200
  13. Dye my hair purple -$100
  14. Buy clothes and other junk - $500
  15. Give money th those in need - $500

That is what would spend my 5,000 dollars on.

Monday, April 6, 2009

www. My favorite web sits .com

I use the computer for my researches, studies and when I want to play games or check E-mail. When I am searching on the web I like to use:
  1. Google ( my #1)
  2. Yahoo
  3. Ask
  4. Wiki answers
  5. Msn



Mom you brought me to plant earth.

You were the one you suffered through my 14 hour birth.

You give me food when I am hungry

and you do my dirty laundry.

You are a good deed

you give me what I need.

Mother, you are always there

even when I am fighting a wild bear.

You held my hand on my fist day of school

and saved me from a 6th grade duel.

You tucked me in at night

and turned on my night light.

I ♥ you mom.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well, spring break is suppose to be very exciting and pleasant because you can get out of your snowy home town and go on a nice vacation. For me this week was quiet all the way through. I mopped around watched wild movies and played fun board games. I read big books and played on my old computer. There were times I would draw or color in my purple coloring book and I ate good food and got caught of with some homework. My dad and mom got tired of my complaining and sent out of the houses few times to play with my queer dog and sometimes my beautiful mom would send me out to the new big library to pick up books or drop them in the silver drop slot.
Probably the only wonderful thing I did this week was hang out with my cool friend and go over to her green house. We went the dollar store and met a wakko guy and also met a mean woman who stole my friends five dollars. I ended up getting gummy worms and I shared them with my friend, we chopped them down! After our weird day out in the town. My friend and I had a sleepover at her house. We watched the first Spider Man and Twilight. For dinner we had
pancakes, mash potato's and sausage. We played a game on her ipod and learned an awesome piano song. When we were trotting around her house we designed a new line of underwear. ( that was funny moment) We woke up around 8 and that was when the snow can running down the dark sky.
After breakfast we went outside all bundled up on warm snow gear and headed to the closest school to go sledding, the small mountains were small so we left, we wanted more of a BIG hill. So we went to a different school and went down the icy slides on my gray sled, it went so fast, we pounded into the white fluffy snow. After about an hour of tumbling in the new fallen snow we started to get cold. So we headed home for some hot coco and a warm fuzzy blanket to snuggle up to while watching a good movie.
So thoughs were the only good days I truly had on break.
So yeah.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Greens in good hands

Since my family and I are moving, we have to be flexible with money so we can get a nice house and get into nice schools, all those little things seem to take lots of money.

Some thing we do to save money:

  1. Only eat the food that you hungry for (no stuffing face)
  2. My mom always cuts out as many coupons as she can (which by the way work)
  3. Turn out lights.
  4. Keep doors closed.
  5. and windows closed
  6. shut down the computer every night.
  7. Rid your bike to places so save gas (or just walk)

That what I think of at the momment, of what I do to save money.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


In blogging I made this picture with the class. In photoshop.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cartoon comedy or vivid action

Harry Potter and Invader Zim Are two really different movies and here are the reasons.
Harry Potter

Pros. = There fun to watch if your into that kind of stuff. The movie's and books are very much alike. There's the fun drama, teenage crap, fun and adventure. Sad parts are devastating and the funny parts make you run to the bathroom (If you know what i mean.)

Cons. = To many people die and maybe a bit more actiom

Invader Zim

Pros.= Super funny and the most random stuff. Really creative sayings and phrases. Funny characters and setting. Cool and wonderful things just added randomly. Sometimes it get freaky creepy

Cons. = Gross looking food and dirty setting

And thats the way they are diffrerent.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Monday, March 2, 2009

Jungle man

I was walking into the living room and my sister had just put a movie in the DVD player. I sat down and watched it! Tarzan 2 is actually a good movie not kind of boring like some kiddish ones. Yeah, Tarzan leaves his monkey family to live on his own cause he thinks he like a bad monkey and should no longer cause trouble so he left, but in the end he comes home!!

(and there was much rejoicing)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Harry Otter! ♥

UM. Yeah have read all the book and watch all the movies daily, I can't say why I like Harry Potter so much, maby because.... i don't know. I like magic and drama and adventure and wild looking amimals and all of that is put in the movies.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

G.P.S. Lame, but we need em'

Kids think GPS's are brainless things that they don't need, until they get kidnapped or go missing. What are they going to do wait for the sky to rain cars so they can drive home, we all know that wont happen. If they had the GPS in there cell phone there mum and dad would be there to see there young child's flash.(That's why your parents put GPS's on your phone, because they love you) I think when you get older, like 17 you should be able to run free, because soon you'll be out of the house and then your away from your parents rules.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Whatever. I could totaly live with out Valentine's Day. Some times I get the point to show how much you like a person, but you could do that any other day as well. Well were in middle school its probably suppose to be about how much you like a person as a friend, but like that happens. Well I guess it's cool in a couple ways.There's the chocolate and you get to be with your friends at Valentine's Day rec. dances.

Monday, February 9, 2009

26th and 44th president


This wonderful man is one of my favorite presidents because he was a nature man, loved reading and walking though his gardens. Every morning he would walk three miles in one direction. He was always committed to his work and getting things done. He and his wife Alice Lee Roosevelt had 6 kids and the oldest was a girl and a rebel. He lived his good long life, not making many mistakes as a president.

BARACK OBAMA 2009 to ...

Barack is also one of my favorites. People may not like him like I like him, but I am giving him a chance. He hasn't been president long so there not many things to judge about him. What I do know is that he wants what's best our country. While he runs the U.S. he also has a family and wife to take care of. Tall, thin. Big, small. Back, white. Good, bad. We have had them all!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Which Disney character are you most like?

Beauty and the Beast

Bell and I have many things in like

We both have brown hair. (medium length)

We like to read books, (even the same one over and over again)

We are both animal lovers and like to be kind to others

She and I both would fall in love with MONSTER! ( unless you know it was a cruel monster)

We would give up our things we want most for our fmily.

We both try to find the good in people.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My favorite things!

  • Eating FOOD
  • Reading books
  • Wearing socks
  • Going to sleep
  • Playing soccer
  • Ridding my bike
  • Watching movies
  • Petting cats
  • Planting flowers
  • Being with my friends

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I hate pain! (who does)

At the end of 6 grade I was in the tech room with some other students. We were making cards for the second and third graders. While teaching Brandon and Kenzie a cool ribbon trick with scissor, I happened to be going to fast and with one quick moment I chopped off the whole top off my right pointer finger. I ran from my seat, with blood pouring into my other free hand. My brain didn't work very well at that moment , everything was happening so fast. So instead of going to the nurse I ran to the little kids bathroom and tried to clean of my hands but it just poured out more and more blood cells popped out of my little finger.The pain was to much to notice at the time. After a while gave up and went to the nurse and then they drained most of the blood from my finger. My father came an hour later to pick me up the take me to the hospital, because of the non stop blood pouring out! When I got to the hospital, the doctors numbed my finger and placed it upon a burning stove, that made the blood on the tip of my finger stop bleeding, which kept the rest of the blood to pour. yeah!


You've always been there for me, when I'm down and need something to eat.

Your fun to smash into friends' faces.

You come in different colors when I'm in different moods.

You go stright to my thighs when I eat you. So thank you.

You have deffreret sprinkles for holidays.

Your the one and only for me

Thank you.


Ugh. Many things bother me like...

  • People who can't be themselves
  • Bad smells
  • Long finger nails
  • Pizza and squash
  • Gossip and rumors

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


If I were to have loads of money and I could only spend it on my birthday party I would spend it all on...

  1. I'd rent giant Dinosaurs, that me and my friends can roam around on, and stomp though the town, trying not to break a buildings or something.
  2. I'd buy 50 gallons in paint in every color and go into a pure white plain room with my friends and we would attack each other, buy pouring paint all over, until there is no skin showing on your body.
  3. Also, I would buy every rock concert ticket, to every show this week and we would fly around the country, stopping everywhere a concert is, party all night and sleep all day. We won't pack clothes well shop everyday for a new outfit, socks, pant, etc.
  4. We would buy all the food from our favorite place to eat. Once we were home with all our food, we'll dare each other eat different kinds of the kinds food, but we'll mix the different foods together and you'll have to eat it on a dare, even when its not a dare, but what ever you just have to eat it. HA.
  5. Next we would rent a pool and fill it with hot fudge, chocolate and then we would swim in it, but before we would get in well take a nice hot shower, to get rid of all the gems, so when we get into our pool of chocolate we would not infect it.
  6. Propberly last we would by a on over sized whale and wash it and swim with it, play with it etc.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Well.... as you can see this is my blog...
Your going to find random things, class work, and junk